Letra•to 📷
"Letrato" is a word play of two Filipino words.
"Letra" that means letter, and "Litrato" that means image or picture.

Alpha•bet ✒️
The Alpha Bet Project is a collection of artworks showcasing how I interpret each letter.

Holy $h!t 🙀
Holy $h!t is the artwork I submitted for 2021 Graphika Manila's artbook entitled "Stories of 2020."
I may not have a lengthy story to share but this sums up my thoughts. 🤣

Deviant's 🤪
Deviant's Paper is a mural that I've been working on since 2017.
It underwent revisions that I finished it last 2020.
Say hello to one of my pandemic artworks! 😎

Fun Type 👻
This is fun type design practice is an experiment of different elements.
Pun intended! 😏

New Yeah 🎆
New Yeah is an every-other-year project I started last 2019.
I interpret the year visually and how I feel the overall vibe of it will be.
Skipped 2020 because of the pandemic and 2022 because it's 2020 too. 🤣